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Sponsorships now available for 2024

Some of the benefits of sponsoring the RCMA Virtual Training Program include:

 + Helping to bring quality training to the roof coatings industry

+ Reaching a TARGETED, PROFESSIONAL group of customers

+ Showing your support for the roof coatings industry

Virtual Training Program

Program Sponsor

Your logo placed front and center at the top of the module landing page on RCMA website

Your logo on the registration confirmation email

Your logo on all mass emails sent out to users

5 Virtual Training Passes

January – December 2024: $7500

Module 1

Evaluating & Preparation of Surfaces for Roof Coatings

Your logo on first and last slide of the training module

Your logo on the module landing page

Your logo on all mass emails sent out to users

3 Virtual Training Passes

January – December 2024: $5000

Module 2

Roof Coating Technologies

Your logo on first and last slide of the training module

Your logo on the module landing page

Your logo on all mass emails sent out to users

3 Virtual Training Passes

January – December 2024: $5000

Module 3

Roof Coatings Application Best Practices

Your logo on first and last slide of the training module

Your logo on the module landing page

Your logo on all mass emails sent out to users

3 Virtual Training Passes

January – December 2024: $5000

To sponsor, please contact Jenn Brake, RCMA Executive Director, at

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